Complete your relaxing beach getaway with a soothing, luxurious, and revitalizing treatment from Spa Elizabeth located here in Seabrook.
Relax and recharge at the spa and enjoy Organic Facials, HydraFacial and Skincare Services and Massage Therapy Treatments. Guests may also enjoy a full day of services with one of Spa Elizabeth’s Specialty Packages.
Located right on Front Street in the center of town, next to the Spa you will see the Spa Elizabeth Boutique. Guests will find a lovely selection of curated Gifts & Skincare, as well as travel essentials. Guests are welcome to visit the Boutique to enjoy shopping and to inquire about Spa Reservations, Gift Certificates Purchases and Customized Gifts Options and Delivery.
As a wellness focused healing spa, we take measures to ensure special preparations and considerations for our guests.
We highly recommend booking your appointment well in advance. Hours are currently 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM Sunday to Thursday and 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Friday and Saturday.
360-470-6670   . . .   . . .   Instagram @spaelizabethboutique