Defy gravity with aerodynamics and feel exhilarated! Everything you need to fly a kite in Seabrook is available right in town. With miles of wide, flat beaches, the kite flying possibilities are endless and fun for the whole family.
Where To Get Your Kite
Pick up a kite or two at Brooklets Toys in Seabrook. If you’re crafty and want to plan ahead for a fun project that the kids and adults alike will enjoy, you can make your own kite!
Choosing A Kite
Kites come in all shapes, sizes, and varying levels of expertise needed to get them successfully in the air. For beginners, it is easiest to use a diamond kite versus the more advanced stunt kites that may have multiple lines.
When To Fly
For the easiest kite flying experience, wait until windspeeds have picked up from between 4 and 12 miles per hour. How do you tell how hard the wind is blowing? If it’s between 4 and 12 miles per hour, you’ll be able to feel it on your skin and see trees moving slightly. Anything above 12 miles per hour is likely to feel gusty and has enough force to make a flag stand out and wave. Be sure to fly your kite in an open area free of trees and power lines.
Preassemble Your Kite
Take a few minutes to assemble your kite(s) indoors or somewhere out of the wind. They’re designed to easily catch a breeze and it can be especially challenging to put together a kite on a windy beach.
How To Launch Your Kite
Getting a kite successfully into the air is easiest with two people. Have one person hold the handle with their back to the wind while the other person goes approximately 60 feet away downwind while extending the kite line. The person holding the handle can start tugging on the line to force the kite to catch the breeze. If you’re flying solo, simply anchor the handle into the ground before launching.
Want More Tips?
Here’s a short informational YouTube video on How to Fly a Kite.